Please read Terms of Service carefully before using IFTTT.
What is IFTTT?
IFTTT (If This Then That) provides an innovative solution to connect and control the products and apps you know and love. Simply put, IFTTT Applets are a gateway connection between different products and apps. When an event occurs in one application, an IFTTT Applet can communicate this occurrence with other applications to create a unique response. Be the first to receive system alerts, connect your Fujitsu Ductless equipment with IFTTT today!- Corresponding area:
- US
How to get started using FGLair + IFTTT
Step 1
Create IFTTT Account
Step 2
Sign in FGLair via IFTTT
Step 3
Connect Applets
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- Please refer to FGLair instructions for FGLair account creation.
Location Assist (Geo-fencing)
Automatically control ductless equipment based on your location. Location Assist uses your phone’s location to help tell when you have left home and when you have returned. Instead of constantly tracking your location, this applet receives basic notifications from your phone that say you are home or away.

Weather Conditions
Allow Fujitsu Ductless equipment to intelligently respond to changing weather conditions. Receive weather condition updates and control your Ductless system by selecting your region and preferred indoor comfort conditions.

Smart Home
Control your Ductless system, using Amazon Alexa or Google Home. With the FGLAIR and Alexa (or Google Home) use your voice to change temperature, mode, fan speed and more.

Google Calendar
Seamless integration of Ductless equipment with Google Calendar. Enjoy a smart Ductless system that understands your busy life and can work around it to provide ultimate comfort and cost saving.

IFTTT Compatible Devices


Anything using FGLair™ app

- *
- "FGLair" is a trademark of Fujitsu General Limited.
- *
- Amazon, Alexa and all related logos are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates.
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- ©Google LLC All rights reserved. “Android”,“Google”,“Google Home”,“AndroidTV”and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google LLC.
- *
- The company names and brand names referred to in this page are themselves the trademarks, registered trademarks, and products of the respective companies.